
ASHTANGA VINYASA YOGA, VINYASA KRAMA & the Sri T. Krishnamacharya Tradition

MALAGA - 14th-04-2021


Since over a year, there is this idea to  write a new blog.

“New blog” - because I wrote another blog over many years, always during some 2 month every year, when I was travelling to Mysore, from 2006-2015, where I have been practicing altogether 1 ½ years with Sharath Rangaswami, who now we know as Sharath Jois, and received an level II authorization.

This Blog  should be named something like

ASHTANGA YOGA, VINYASA KRAMA and the Tradition of Sri T.  Krishnamacharya.

May be this headline is to big, too ambitious – but how to name it otherwise.

May be T. Krishnamacharya wouldn’t like it – may be Sri Sribhashyam, his youngest son, the teacher of my heart - whos seminars I have been lucky to attend over a period of 9 years- would find it crazy or would just laugh about it.

I  am a very small light shining on this theme – but I like to share some thoughts about this subject – from my heart – as I am practicing for 23 years in this lineage – if I may name it a lineage?

For me this yogapractice came from one source and is all one - in my practice and in my heart.

I happened to study with many teachers – happily in the end I found that they all where connected to the Sri T. Krishnamacharya (KM) tradition. It came up like this in my life  - as for  many of us – we studied with different teachers and have to handle that carefully and also without guilt.

truth is also,

that now I feel like I have to go with the flow -

I am ambitioned to write notes to the precious blog of Anthony Grimmly on instagram @reemergenceofyoga – where he explores wonderfully committed, day by day, the practice sheeds Sri Sribhashyam has given in his book “emergence of yoga”.

I am taking it as a kick – and  starting my  blog from kind of upside down – (as this is the most subtle approach to the yoga in the KM tradition - I ever experienced) -  taking the upcoming themes -  related to the suggested practice - as starting point for broader topics.

I don’t know exactly how it started – may be first with his seminar in Ulm -  organized by Janosch Steinhauser about Ashtanga and Vinyasa Krama– may be I have first discovered Anthony Grimmlys -  blog which is now on   grimmly1997.blogspot.com - or been interested in the Vinyasa Krama of Srivatsa Ramaswami (SR)– but finally - inspired through Antony Grimmly - I went to London – to study about Vinyasa Krama with SR and then went to LA for a 5 weeks TTC in Vinyasa Krama.

I have been most inspired through Anthonys blog and books throughout the years – and now finding myself again in a situation to commit myself to deeper explorations through his research.

Concerning Sri Sribhashyam - I was never experiencing a comparable  subtle approach to the  yoga practice – even - that’s the curious thing – for example Srivatsa Ramaswami (SR) has studied in the same time as Sri Srihashyam,  and even his brother T. Desikachar is only 2 years elder – the approaches are genuinely different – yet for me they work wonderfully together.

Sri Sribhashyam said, that we can not mix everything together and serve ourselves like in a supermarket - at the same time – we have to deal with fact that we met all these teachers and we met them out of a genuin seeking.

And we worked with it – we practiced intensively, we taught – and we integrated.


In the way of transmitting his knowledge Sri Sribhashyam has been unique , deep and beyond the book. The practice we did has always been different to the book – he would say " I am here in person why do you like me to  teach like in the book?"

Lets start tomorrow with insides in the practice....





Carretera Cajiz-Iznate, km 1

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